AmigaOS3.5 (924/967)

From:Stephen Burgoyne Coulson
Date:29 May 2000 at 00:56:06
Subject:WorkBench Fonts

Is the 3.5 font engine stuffed or is it just a workbench problem or
is it just me?

Half the time the font measuring routines underestimate the size of a
text string and it ends up getting clipped (but MUI always seems to work
and BGUI too). Topaz is OK but I have trouble with the CG fonts in

Furthermore, the fonts in my window title bars initially come up being
the font I have in my Font Prefs (for the first few windows at least) but
when I select the window the font changes to some other font and never
goes back to my preferred font. This does NOT happen on custom screens.

Worse yet, as I was attempting to find which fonts were most problematic
I noticed that several fonts would (occassionally, but not consistantly)
crash my machine. These are all fonts I used without problem under 3.0

Anyone else notice strange stuff with fonts?